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Living strong is simple but not easy

Saying that you “don’t believe in” #sportspsychology is the same as saying you don’t believe in thoughts or emotions. Instead what you actually should say is that you don’t want to take the effort, personal reflection, and energy needed to get better at it. #performbetter #livestrong #simplebutnoteasy #intentionalattention #mentalreps

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3 Habits to Embrace That Teach Your Kids How to Think (Not What to Think)

I have these moments. I used to freeze when they happened. One of my children would say something and I would realize that …

Awaken and become your strongest self

New Year’s resolutions aren’t particularly effective–in fact, most people give them up by mid-January. …

Building a strong foundation with mental reps

We continually under train the mind and over train the body. W/out the understanding of why the 🧠 does what it does we …